12 Mayıs 2009 Salı

Chauhan Studio Humax için Hal tv yi tasarlarken Kubrick'in yönettiği A Space Odyssey filiminden esinlenmiş

Chauhan StudioThis young London-based design studio consists of two brothers with quite a pedigree of former clients including BAA, British Airways and the BBC. Comprising Tej Chauhan, previously a senior industrial designer with Nokia for 5 years and Sach Chauhan who’s previously specialised in lighting, the pair are set to launch four new cordless phones (Colombo One, Colombo Two, Big and Sandy Eco) with SunCorp and a flat screen TV (HAL – inspired by Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey) with Humax. There’s a very appealing retro familiarity to each of the designs suggesting this is a studio to keep a close eye on.

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